Hi there! I'm Garvit Luhadia

I am a grad student at the Center of Data Science, NYU. In an effort to showcase my skills and experience, I have set up this portfolio website. Supervised machine learning, deep learning, NLP, or computer vision - the assortment of projects in my arsenal is diverse and continually expanding. These are some of the projects I've worked on


In a bid to generate value, I looked to apply my skills to the challenges we face as a society. Solving real-world problems with data science bring an inimitable certain joy and satisfaction. These are some of the projects I have worked on that helped me understand the ethical, technical, and temporal challenges that come with AI.

Data Science & Advanced Analytics

RPi Real Time Object Detction

Photo by Dan Asaki on Unsplash

Maze Search Algorithms

Fake News Classifier

Youtube NLP

Formula 1 EDA


My undergraduate experience opened me up to a number of research avenues, limited as they may be. Being an active contributor to these research papers kept me on my toes and shaped me into a better student. I wish to continue research into emerging trends as a grad student.

Content Based Image Retrieval

Title: Fusion of Variational Autoencoder-Generative Adversarial Networks and Siamese Neural Networks for Face Matching
Conference: FICTA 2023:11th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications
Status: Accepted
Publication: All accepted, presented and registered papers under this conference will be published in the Springer-Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (SIST) Series (Approved).

Damage Classification

Title: UAV-based Post-disaster Assessment of Residential Buildings Using Image Processing
Conference: Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2023 Annual Conference - Moncton, NB
Track Name: CSCE2023-Structures Specialty Conference
Status: Submitted

Parallel and Distributed Computing

Title: Execution Time Analysis of Multithreading and Multiprocessing on Seam Carving Algorithms
Conference: AICAPS 2023: International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Computing and Applications
Status: Accepted
Publication: All the accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Digital Xplore (Scopus indexed).

Information Security Management

Title: Novel Triphasic Architecture to Ascertain Malicious Exam-Takers
Conference: NGTCA-2023:International Conference on Next-Gen Technologies in Computational Intelligence
Track Name: Image Processing and Analytics
Status: Submitted


In my journey towards understanding the ins and outs of the Artificial Intelligence domain, I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn from the best, be it online or in person. These are a few of the certificates I accumulated while doing so.

Deep Learning Specialization

Data Analytics Professional

Data Analytics with Python

Summer School on AI

Data Analytics using Deep Learning

Crowdsensing Technologies for Cities